Ethnic Groups Of Venezuela

Venezuela Index: Chronology. 24 Aug 1499 Discovered and claimed for Spain by Amerigo

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Venezuelan society by the twentieth century was an amalgam of three races; numerically, the country was primarily mestizo (mixed race). Although ethnic background served as an important criterion of status in colonial times, it became less so as genetic mixing involving various combinations of white

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ETHNIC GROUPS The original inhabitants of Venezuela were Amerindians, predominantly Caribs and Arawaks. The majority (about 68%) of the present population is mestizo (mixed race).

Venezuela – Immigration and ethnic composition: Venezuela is a country of immigrants. About two-thirds of the population is mestizo (of mixed European and Indian ancestry) or mulatto-mestizo (African, European, and Indian); about one-fifth of Venezuelans are of European lineage, and one-tenth have mainly African ancestry.

While the repression and human rights violations of the Iranian government are well documented, less attention is paid to the specific situation of its ethnic …

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Creole: Creole, originally, any person of European (mostly French or Spanish) or African descent born in the West Indies or parts of French or Spanish America (and thus naturalized in those regions rather than in the parents’ home country).

The Indigenous peoples of Europe are the focus of European ethnology, the field of anthropology related to the various indigenous groups that …

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Ethnic groups. Amerindians.The indigenous population of Latin America, the Native Americans, arrived during the Lithic stage.In post-Columbian times they experienced tremendous population decrease, particularly in the early decades of colonization.

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The UUPG List. Here you can find the list of the world’s unengaged, unreached people groups that have no known full-time workers involved in evangelism and church planting!

Jul 13, 2014 · Khoisan An October 2012 genetic study published in Science Magazine found that the Khoisan in southern Africa are the oldest ethnic group of modern humans, with their ancestral line originating about 100,000 years ago.