Gay Israelis

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Several people were ejected from the march after bringing Jewish Pride flags with them.

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The two-state solution may provide the best opportunity for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, but the evidence suggests the Palestinians have a different goal in mind (Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies (C.S.S), Palestinian Media Watch).

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Leviticus and Old Testament Law, are specifically addressed to Jews, not to New Testament Christians. God, Moses and the Bible are crystal clear about that.

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Arab citizens of Israel or Arab Israelis are Israeli citizens, whose primary language or linguistic heritage is Arabic.Many identify as Palestinian and commonly self-designate themselves as Palestinian citizens of Israel or Israeli Palestinians.

WASHINGTON — US Justice Elana Kagan asked the lawyer defending the president’s travel ban to imagine the same ban if it applied to Israelis.

From Iron Dome to Iron Beam The next anti-missile strategy from Rafael reportedly will take out missiles, mortars and even drones using high-energy laser.

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12 Israelis making a mark on Boston’s tech scene About 250 Israeli-founded companies in the greater Boston area contribute significantly to the Massachusetts economy and innovation ecosystem.

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The Israeli wall has ended the intifada . Israel’s Security Fence (and here) – Everyone in the world should support this since it is saving lives.. Victor Davis Hanson points out that the Israeli wall at least brings a moral clarity to the situation, and, like the Berlin Wall or the North Korean border, shows exactly who is threatening who.

13 May 2018, 6:05pm Comment: Israel at 70 is a better and less corrupt place than almost all of Britain’s former colonies

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Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and a senior White House adviser, is traveling to the Middle East this week in pursuit of a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians, a White House official confirmed Sunday night. Kushner will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin

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