Man Cut Off Penis

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Alleged Cheater Gets Penis Cut Off at Best Gore. Protecting the Public from Safe Places on the Internet Since 2008

A WOMAN has been labelled the second Lorena Bobbitt after she admitted to cutting off a man’s penis and testicles with a pair of garden shears – cops claim.

Apr 23, 2018 · A woman from Argentina accused of cutting off her manfriend’s penis with gardening scissors said she was provoked because he showed his friends their homemade sex tape, according to reports.

A jealous teenfriend in Kazakhstan allegedly severed her lover’s penis after discovering that he complimented another woman on her appearance. Zhanna Nurzhanova, 36, is accused of secretly drugging her manfriend with sleeping pills, using a local anesthetic to numb his genitals, and cutting off

Nov 28, 2017 · A woman from Argentina was arrested after she allegedly cut off her manfriend’s penis with gardening scissors, reports said.

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As was seen with Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill, only when incensed passions cool off can we truly understand and contextualize a sex-based issue in America.It is undisputed that this wasn’t a clear cut case of some sugar-and-spice attractive woman a victim at the hands of a hateful male, but a relationship born of mutual tension, anger

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May 10, 2014 · Christ Bearer is finally breaking his silence about why he cut off his penis before jumping out a window telling TMZ it was depression over not being able to see his teens that drove him to commit the insane act. Oh, and he also got his penis back. We’ll get to that later C.B. — part

Did gypsies cut off man’s penis in revenge for him sleeping with one of their teenfriends? Police search A-road for missing manhood after arrest of suspect, 22

An Argentine woman Brenda Barattini accused of cutting off her manfriend’s penis with gardening scissors said she was provoked because he showed his friends their homemade sex tape, according to reports.

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Pictured: Man whose penis was cut off ‘in revenge for sleeping with gipsy’s teenfriend’ 40-year-old found in distressed state at the side of the A66 in Middlesbrough

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