Penis Size . We’ve all heard the saying “It’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you do with it that counts.” But somehow it doesn’t make any difference, does it?
First of all, we have to define what small really means and what statistics apart from any personal impressions and taste actually say: The flaccid size is irrelevant, some men have a rather small penis growing to enormous size when erect, on the other hand there are men with a rather impressive flaccid penis that just erects itself when
There are natural means of achieving a bigger penis size, yet which matters most for women, penis girth or length?
Does penis enlargement work? An overview of pumps, pills, surgery, and exercises for penis lengthening and widening.
If you are wanting tips on how to make your penis bigger and harder without pills, we have great tips for making your penis larger naturally at home.
A lot of men ask for enlargement surgery. And a very few ask for reduction surgery. The latter is very rarely done – though in 2015, a Florida urologist reported that he had successfully reduced the penile size of a man whose penis was the size and shape of an American football (as a result
A natural penis This man – in his mid-twenties – has not been circumcised. It is quite common for a natural man to have an uncovered glans.
Penis enlargement pills DO work, but which ones? Take a few minutes and look my research of 3 oldest brands of penis pills, that will be top rated during 2018
An adult penis with an erect length of less than 7 cm or 2.76 inches but otherwise formed normally is referred to in a medical context as having the micropenis condition.