Rockabilly Guy

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Jerry Lee Lewis, Rockabilly history, tour trip through early American music history

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Rockabilly CDs, Psychobilly T-Shirts, 1950s Rock ‘n’ Roll vinyl and Surf instrumental LPs at Raucous Records online store.

The Rockabilly Guitar Page. Professional advice on Amps, Guitars, Effects and more for rockabilly guitar. By Vince Gordon of The Jime.

Everybody’s Rockin’ is the 13th studio album by Canadian musician Neil , released on August 1, 1983.The album was recorded with the Shocking Pinks (a band made up just for the occasion), and features a selection of rockabilly songs (both covers and original material).

Test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts, trivia, quizzes, and brain teaser games on

stray cats brian setzer, lee rocker & slim jim phantom reunite for first north american performance in 10 years at upcoming “viva las vegas rockabilly weekend” april 21, 2018

Jason D. Williams Courtesy: Lowell – Sun, July 27, 2016 Jason D. Williams was born in El Dorado, Arkansas, in 1959, at the end of rockabilly’s golden era.

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Wow getting some good air play on BBC Music 6 and BBC Wales many thanks to Tom Robinson, Steve Lamacq and Adam Walton. Steve Lamacq BBC radio 6 ” …

Wanda Lavonne Jackson (born October 20, 1937) is an American singer, songwriter, pianist and guitarist who had success in the mid-1950s and 1960s as one of the first popular female rockabilly singers and a …

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The Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend goes down April 19 – 22 at The Orleans Hotels in Las Vegas, NV. The four day festival boasts bands from all over the world and headlining are Rockabilly’s biggest act reunited. Stray Cats will be playing their first show in 9 years on Saturday, April 21st

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