True Masturbation Stories

For over 15 years Solo Touch readers have been sharing erotic stories about masturbation, orgasms and shocking sexual experiences. Read the newest sex stories …

True Masturbation Stories 119

True Masturbation Stories 35

Posts Tagged ‘true sex stories’ Hearsay: Alexis. Performed by: Alexis Preview Synopsis: “I sort of use masturbation as a technique to figure out what I am into.’Cause I’ll experiment with different thoughts.”

True Story Sex Stories – Page 1 of 178 – Storiesonline

True sex stories written by real people. 572. Man’s Story: Need a Hand? (7/3/06) I was sitting in a supermarket carpark, feeling extremely horny while waiting for a part to be delivered, so I decided to relieve my self by hand.

I enjoy posting my secret sex life stories, erotic sex stories, and masturbation tales. I hope you enjoy reading them.

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True Masturbation Stories 76

Enjoy free erotic stories written by our website visitors. Enjoy their true stories as well as fictional ones. These erotic stories contain graphic sexual language which is the way that all good sex stories should be written.

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We feature both female masturbation (masterbation) and male masturbation stories here. A typical story will feature either teens, women, lesbians, men or teens masturbating and exploring themselves for the first time.

True Stories, New Sex Stories, Adult Fictions, Erotic Sex Stories, Free Sex Stories, Real Sex Stories, Erotic Fictions, Erotic Short Stories.

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True Masturbation Stories 28

Masturbation Stories, New Sex Stories, Adult Fictions, Erotic Sex Stories, Free Sex Stories, Real Sex Stories, Erotic Fictions, Erotic Short Stories.

True Masturbation Stories 57

Sex stories that involve masturbation and self satisfaction, often involving adult toys or other devices other than a partner.

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True Masturbation Stories 20