Why Couples Stop Having Sex

Here are 7 things that happen to your health when you stop having sex.

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One in six couples abstains from having sex during the entire nine months of pregnancy, a survey has revealed. Couples tend to fall into two cam

3 Less Relationship Satisfaction. Physical intimacy works like feel-good glue for many couples, drawing and keeping you more connected emotionally. Unless you’re asexual, having less sex with your partner may lead to a drop in satisfaction for you both.

You’ve no doubt heard this complaint from one of your married friends: We’re not having as much sex anymore. It’s a complaint that plays right into the stereotype that once couples get married they have less sex. And there’s probably some truth to it because, as we all know, our lust and

There are a number of different reasons why posing this question casually is akin to walking on to an emotional minefield. Mines such as not actually wanting ren, not being able to conceive or having marital problems, all of which hurt when stepped on.

Aug 27, 2015 · Break-ups. Work. Travel. Work travel. There are a lot of reasons your sex life may be stalled.

What happens to a country when its people stop having sex? Japan is finding out… Abigail Haworth investigates

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Has it been a while since you’ve done the deed? Your body may notice. Here is the good, bad, and the ugly of what happens to your body when you stop having sex.

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Jul 08, 2015 · By Jennifer Elizabeth Masters Couples often feel that working on the relationship is of utmost importance, but leave sex out of …

According to a recent study almost ten per cent of married couples aged between 36-55 never have sex. Tracey Cox says that there is a direct link between lack of …

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