Compound Forms/Forme composte: Inglese: Italiano: splinter group n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (faction, breakaway group) gruppo scheggia : fazione nf: The extreme left wing of the party broke away into a splinter group.
Ice breakers, brain teasers riddles, training games, meeting icebreakers, training icebreakers, fun pictures, wordplay, visual puzzles, vocabulary builders for the whole brain
Welcome to the new Merriam-Webster’s Word Central now reprogrammed for superior word power and language fun.. Introducing…Alpha-bot!The word-spelling robot hosts the latest amazing word game and challenges spellers of all ages.
Word families are groups of words that have a common feature or pattern – they have some of the same combinations of letters in them and a similar sound. For example, at, cat, hat, and fat are a family of words with the “at” sound and letter combination in …
Create your own word search puzzles with Discovery Education’s Puzzlemaker. Create vocabulary quizzes or extra credit work in seconds for your classroom.
Tagxedo turns words – famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters – into a visually stunning word cloud
AbiSource – Open Source for the Desktop. Welcome to AbiWord! AbiWord is a free word processing program similar to Microsoft® Word. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks.
Daily Inspiration From Unity. Daily Word, published by Unity, offers insight and inspiration to help people of all faiths live healthy, prosperous and meaningful lives.
word – Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti, e discussioni del forum.